Catalogue Vente en ligne Formation

Bad habits

The main posture of this type is finger sucking (as well as sucking the lips, the tongue, etc.)




But does finger-sucking have as bad an inflluence as is claimed?

Finger-sucking cannot take place if the tongue is in the correct position; in addition its associated parafunctional activity is harmful as it also perpetuates the habit of swallowing saliva outside of mealtimes (FELLUS).

In the same way as swallowing typical of a newborn changes over to that of an adult, sucking habits should disappear as the stages of emotional development are passed, according to MAURIN:

"During early childhood (- 2 years) finger sucking, sucking several fingers or a pacifier are normal behavioural signs. Up to the age of 5, sucking at bedtime or if the child is tired is also a normal habit. However, if it begins at this age, there is usually an emotional reason. Between the ages of 6 and 12 persistent sucking may be considered to be a sign of immaturity. The habit is reinforced and emphasized if the family stop the child from doing it or make remarks about it."

These are obviously generalizations and individual cases must be taken into account, but it does show the significance of the psyche in relation to finger sucking.